March 2021
March 26th Arts and Abolition Fundraiser (CPEP, Hit the Streets, Cap City Cyphers)
Free Them All National Day of Action March 20th
Contain Covid Not People 2021 Press Conference
Join us live for the Contain COVID, Not People Press conference.
Posted by Criminalization and Punishment Education Project on Thursday, March 4, 2021
February 2021
February 16th, Choosing Real Safety Press Conference
February 2nd, Coalition Against the Proposed Prison webinar on the proposed Kemptville prison
January 2021
January 27th, Bell Let’s Talk Prisons Webinar featuring members of CPEP and the Toronto Prisoners Rights Project talking about the harms of the current prison phone system
December 2020
Ottawa, December 9th 2020, voting and speeches by councilors on the 2021 Ottawa Police Services budget.
Kemptville, December 8th 2020, Coalition Against Proposed Prison (CAPP) info session, ft. Aaron Doyle (CPEP), Justin Piche (CPEP), Bryonie Baxter (Elizabeth Fry Society), The Jail Opposition Group, CAPP members.
November 2020
Ottawa, November 23rd 2020, Ottawa Police Services Board. 90+ Public Delegations ft. CPEP
Ottawa, November 10th 2020, hosted by the Canadian Sociological Association and CPEP. Watch here :
Ottawa, November 9th 2020, Ottawa Police Services Board. 40+ Public Delegations ft. CPEP members
Sept 2020
Untold stories of Kingston Penitentiary tours, Sept. 24th, ft. Ann Hansen (author of Taking the Rap, Direct Action, P4W Memorial Collective), Ricky Atkinson (author of The Life Crimes and Hard Times of Ricky Atkinson, Leader of Dirty Tricks Gang), Kevin Walby (U Winnipeg Criminology Assoc. Prof), Justin Piche (U Ottawa Criminology Assoc. Prof and co-founder of CPEP), Linda Mussell (Moderator).
The Carceral (on) Campus: Confronting Racism at the Intersection of the Prison-Industrial-Complex and University, September 30th, 2020.
August 2020
PJD T.V., August 10th 2020 Featuring El Jones and Desmond Cole, with interviews from PJD organizers and coverage of all the PJD vigils and events going on all over Canada!
What happened to Prisoners Justice Day podcast series featuring interviews from former “old-timers” and long-time advocates on the outside Bob Gaucher, “Papi”, “Gene”, Marie Beemans, and Ann Hansen. Original Audio Here.
Making the Link: Defunding the Police and Abolishing Prisons, August 6th, 2020. Speakers: Souheil Benslimane (CPEP, JAIL Hotline), El Jones (East Coast Prison Justice), Louis March (Zero Gun Violence Movement), Rania El Mugammar (St. Jamestown Collective Impact Steering Committee).
Understanding Prisoner Organizing, August 5th, 2020, Featuring: Cedar – Barton Prisoners Solidarity Project, Debbie Kilroy – Sisters Inside, Nancy van Styvendale – University of Alberta and Free Lands Free People, Karrie Auger – Free Lands Free People and Saskatchewan Manitoba Alberta Abolition Coalition, Jordan House – Dept of Labour Studies at Brock University
July 2020
July 22nd, Hunger Strike in response to OCDC’s failure to meet their demands from June 3rd.
June 2020
Ottawa, June 28th, hosted by CPEP. Watch the full playlist of all 3 panels here with accurate transcribed closed captions:
Toronto, June 25th, hosted by Toronto Prisoners’ Rights Project
Toronto, June 20th, hosted by Toronto Prisoners’ Rights Project
Webinar – Black Liberation and Prison Abolition, June 11th, Featuring: Viviane Saleh-Hanna, Professor and Chairperson of Crime and Justice Studies at UMass Dartmouth, Ashanti Omowali Alston, Black Liberation Army & Black Panther Party, Sandy Hudson, Black Lives Matter-Toronto & Black Legal Action Centre, Morgan Switzer-Rodney, BlackChat Vancouver
June 10th, Update from Women at OCDC
June 5th, Hunger Strike ends after 31 hours
June 3rd OCDC Hunger Strike Demands
May 2020
Webinar – The Prison State During the Pandemic: Assessing Abolitionist Gains and Future Directions May 28th, Featuring: Meenakshi Mannoe, Vancouver Prison Justice Day Committee, Anonymous Member, Montreal-based Anti-Carceral Group, Hanna Garson, East Coast Prison Justice Society, Dr. Bronwyn Dobchuk-Land, Bar None Winnipeg; Assist. Prof. University of Winnipeg, Nancy Van Styvendale, Free Lands Free Peoples; Assoc. Prof. University of Alberta. Moderated By Jessica Evans, Toronto Prisoners’ Rights Project; Assist. Prof. Ryerson University.
Webinar – A De-carceral City: Redefining Safety, Building Community May 25th, Featuring: Lema Ljtemaye (Climate Justice Ottawa), Fiona Jeffries (Ottawa Sanctuary City Network), Mumina Egal & Nima Hussein (Herongate Tenant Coalition), Dillon Black (Ottawa Coalition To End Violence Against Women) & Souheil Benslimane (Criminalization and Punishment Education Project). Moderator: Rachel Fayter (Carceral Studies Research Collective).
Watch the video here:
Webinar – Censorship in Prisons May 21st, Paul Wright – Executive Director of the Human Rights Defense Center and Editor of Prison Legal News, Laureen St. Amour – mother of the late Justin St. Amour, Yavar Hameed – Human Rights Lawyer, Martha Painter – Womens’ Wellness Within, Sena Hussein – Communications & Resource Development Coordinator for PASAN and Lead Editor of Cell Count magazine, Jarrod Shook – artist & activist.
Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies and Justice For Soli Conversation series, talking about supporting prisoners during COVID-19, May 20th, featuring: Yusuf Faqiri – Founder of Justice for Soli, Lindsay Jennings – CAEFS, and Souheil Benslimane – Coordinator of the JAIL Hotline and CPEP Member.
Action and Webinar – Prison Is A Death Sentence! May 14th, Moderated by El Jones and Desmond Cole. Featuring: Souheil Benslimane, Martha Paynter, Sheena, Meenakshi Mannoe.
April 2020
Webinar – Indigenous Knowledge and Abolition. April 30th, featuring: Pamela Palmater, Giselle Dias, Joey “Twins” Young, Wanda Whitebird, Les Harper.
Webinar – Policing The Pandemic in Ottawa: Impacts and Alternatives. April 27, featuring: Alexander McClelland (Policing the Pandemic), Samantha McAleese & Erica Ifill (CAMS / Coalition Against More Surveillance), Khulud Baig (CAWI / City for All Women Initiative), Sean Leblanc & Catherine Hacksel (Drug Users Advocacy League), Mélanie Stafford (OPO / Overdose Prevention Ottawa), Michael Spratt (Criminal Defence Counsel and Partner, Abergel Goldstein & Partners LLP).
Webinar – Supporting those left inside. April 23, featuring: Anthony Morgan, Kevin Egan, Lindsay Jennings, Barton Solidarity Project, Members of the Jail Accountability and Information Hotline.
Webinar – Contain Covid Not People. April 16th 2020, featuring: Zoë Dodd, Tyson Young, Charlotte Smith, Rima Berns-McGown, Dan Parlow
Webinar – Contain Covid Not People. April 2nd, featuring: Robyn Maynard, Anita Szigeti, Justin Piché
March 2020
Webinar – Contain Covid Not People. March 26th, featuring, El Jones – East Coast Prison Justice, Syrus Marcus-Ware – Black Lives Matter-Toronto, Lindsay Jennings – Prisoners with HIV/AIDS Support Action Network (PASAN), Souheil Benslimane – Criminalization and Punishment Education Project, Dean Spade – Associate Prof at Seattle University School of Law
Bell Let’s Talk Campaign
2020 #BellLetsTalkOCDC Campaign for free phone calls for prisoners
2019 #BellLetsTalkOCDC Campaign for free phone calls for prisoners
#BellLetsTalk #BellLetsTalkOCDC Provide prisoners and their families with more accessible and affordable phone calls to help diminish the mental distress associate with incarceration #BellLetsTalkPIC
Posted by Criminalization and Punishment Education Project on Wednesday, January 30, 2019
2019 #BellLetsTalkOCDC Campaign for free phone calls for prisoners
#BellLetsTalk – Will you accept the charges?
"Bell, will you accept the charges?" by Jarrod Shook was originally created as part of the #BellLetsTalkOCDC / Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre campaign in 2019, which is now part of the #BellLetUsTalk campaign.Yesterday on #BellLetsTalk day, Bell reminded us that "When it comes to mental health, every action counts". Our petition promoting mental health behind and beyond bars through #FreeJailCalls to landlines and cell phones from Ontario prisons now has over 4,000 signatures and counting. Please sign the petition linked below and share this post today to help us spread the word and get to 5,000 signatures:'s 2020 and Ontario's jail phone system operated by Bell Canada still doesn't allow prisoners to call cell phones. Prisoners can only reach their loved ones and community care providers through expensive collect calls to landlines. This outdated and predatory system contributes to the isolation, economic hardship and mental distress experienced by people impacted by human caging. Join us @CPEPgroup to demand change! We demand that: 1) The Ministry of the Solicitor General and the Ontario Government replaces the current outdated and expensive provincial jail phone system with one that a) makes telecommunication cost-free for Ontario's provincial prisoners and their community supports, b) allows prisoners to call any number in Canada directly – including cellphones, and c) increases or eliminates the 20-minute limit on phone calls; and 2) The Government of Ontario promotes keeping loved ones connected by reducing the use of human caging through greater investments in initiatives that a) meet the basic needs of all Ontarians (i.e. access to housing, education, employment, health and mental health care, etc.), b) prevent violence and offer access to transformative justice when harm occurs, as well as c) divert and decarcerate people from jail to the extent possible.#BellLetsTalkPrisonerMentalHealth#BellLetsTalkPIC / prison industrial complex#BellLetsTalkOntarioJailPhonesUntil we have #FreeJailPhones #BoycottBell#Divert #Decarcerate #DemandPrisonsChange while working towards a #JustTransitionFromThePIC #BuildCommunitiesNotCages #BoycottPrisons
Posted by Criminalization and Punishment Education Project on Thursday, January 30, 2020
Journal of Prisoners on Prisons
#NOPE(No On Prison Expansion) Campaign
OCDC Campaign