This August CPEP, The Journal of Prisoners on Prisons and the Millhaven Lifers Liaison Group will be hosting multiple events happening in Ottawa to discuss, demonstrate, honor, and get ready for Prisoners’ Justice Day. Check out the information below for event information.
Link to vigil here:
Revised poster here: PJD events_poster_revised
PJD Poster Making Session
Tuesday, August 6 at 7pm
uOttawa Faculty of Social Sciences, Room 14001
PJD Private Community Discussion
Saturday, August 10 at 5:30pm
Location to be Announced
PJD Vigil
Saturday, August 10 at 7:30pm
Major Hill’s Park at the Entrance of the U.S. Embassy
For more information on the history of Prisoners’ Justice Day, you can listen to this series of podcasts entitled “What Happened to Prisoner Justice Day?”
Link here: