CPEP recently organized and conducted the Canvassing to #DefundOPS Campaign. We volunteered 120 hours and knocked on more than 600 doors across Ottawa.
We were greeted by many residents in wards 7 Bay (@tm_kavanagh), 11 Beacon Hill-Cyrville (@timtierney), 15 Kitchissipi (@kitchissippiwardOTT), and 18 Alta Vista (@altavistaward18). There were numerous residents, especially BIPOC peoples, who support our efforts to #DefundOPS. We also engaged with undecided constituents about policing. We reasoned with many people who through our dialogue were convinced that safe communities can only be achieved through defunding and abolishing the police while bolstering our communities. We will keep working with these supporters and others to ensure our futures on Algonquin Land are free of the violence of policing.
Read the full report HERE.
To join our efforts to defund the Ottawa Police Services and become a member of CPEP’s #DefundOPS/#WeKeepEachOtherSafe team, please fill out this form, and follow @CPEPgroup or at www.cp-ep.org.