On March 26th at 7pm EST, the Criminalization and Punishment Education Project (CPEP), Hit the Streets (HTS), Cap City Cyphers (CCC), the Criminal Law Student Association (CLSA) would like to invite you to a Mutual Aid Fundraiser Event to support HTS and CPEP’s collaborative mutual aid project: Starter Packs for Newly Released Neighbours.
Watch the Full Video Here: https://www.facebook.com/315706328542334/videos/1644000619321831
This initiative will work with current and former prisoners to provide essential items and services to community members who are released from the Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre (OCDC) and the Hull Detention Facility. This event will consist of live art performances, an auction, a raffle, and many more surprises.
This event will center people who have been on the inside of jails, prisons, penitentiaries, and immigration detention, those who have been otherwise criminalized, and their families and loved ones while also bringing our communities together to foster joy and care. All donations will go towards the Starter Packs for Newly Released Neighbours project.
The goal of the Starter Packs is to meet some of people’s needs, keep each other safe, informed, and connected, and to maximize support through mutual aid. We are calling on community members and organizations to join us in spreading awareness about this project and event, and by donating to help support our neighbours in need.
Facebook Event Details:https://www.facebook.com/events/3729866110431451
Ticket Description:
Donate via e-transfer to release.starter.packs@gmail.com for tickets. In the e-transfer use the password: kits4care
In the message/note section please provide your Name, E-Mail, and indicate if you are 18+.
Every $15 donation = +1 entry into our raffle. Each entry increases your chance to win prizes from Octopus Books, Venus Envy, The Thirsty Maiden, The Brow Guru and more!
Additionally, the first 15 people who donate of $100+ will receive a copy of Border and Rule by Harsha Walia and a CPEP Build Communities, Not Jails t-shirt!
Donations are also sliding scale so please email us for free entry.